Let’s Build Strong Ohio Communities!
For nearly 40 years, Ohioans have said “Yes” to investing in our communities through the State Capital Improvement Program. We’re asking voters to renew this program once again by voting YES on Issue 2 on Tuesday, May 6.
Here are just some of the many projects supported by the State Capital Improvement Program.
Northwest - Lucas County
The Apple Blossom Farms and Bancroft Street Road Improvement Project in Springfield Township replaced the pavement for a dozen roads in the community. These roads were previously paved 30 years prior and were badly deteriorated.
Northeast - Cuyahoga County
The West 130th Street Bridge Project rebuilt the bridge over the East Branch of Rocky River in the Cities of North Royalton and Strongsville and included a 12-foot-wide shared use path as an added benefit to pedestrians and trail users. This bridge, constructed in 1952, had significant deterioration.
Southwest – Montgomery County
The Greenhill & Hornwood Water Main Replacement Project replaced the water main which had significant excessive breaks and exceeded its useful life. It also replaced old fire hydrants to ensure firefighters have quick and easy access to effectively combat any blazes.
Southeast –Athens County
The Village of Chauncey Project replaced village sanitary sewers which had experienced numerous issues, including complete system failures that required emergency repairs. With poor ground conditions, the community lacked necessary equipment and personnel to make the repairs.
Central - Licking County
The Vine and Linda Drainage Improvements Project in the City of Pataskala upgraded the ‘old’ portion of town by replacing deteriorated pipes and inlets. This project improved drainage on both sides of the road by properly channeling rainwater to prevent flooding and provided pedestrian safety with the addition of sidewalks.
Source: Ohio Public Works Commission, www.publicworks.ohio.gov
Click here to read the press release about the launch of our campaign.
Our partners
Affiliated Construction Trades of Ohio (ACT Ohio)
Cleveland Water Alliance
County Engineers Association of Ohio
Laborers' District Council of Ohio
Ohio Chamber of Commerce
Ohio Mayors Alliance
Ohio Restaurant and Hospitality Alliance
Ohio Restaurant and Hospitality Alliance
American Council of Engineering Companies of Ohio
Flexible Pavements of Ohio
Northeast Ohio Mayors and City Managers Association
Ohio Business Roundtable
Ohio Council of Retail Merchants
Ohio Contractors Association
Ohio Municipal League
Ohio State Building & Construction Trades Council
Ohio Public Transit Association
Ohio Water Partnership
Buckeye State Sheriffs' Association
Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Ohio
Columbus Chamber of Commerce
Cuyahoga County Mayor and City Managers Association
FOR Ohio (Fix Our Roads Ohio)
Ohio Aggregates & Industrial Mining Association
Ohio Council of County Officials
County Commissioners Association of Ohio
International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 18.
Ohio Association of Professional Fire Fighters
Ohio Association of Regional Councils
Ohio Hotel & Lodging Association
Ohio Oil & Gas Association
Ohio Public Transit Association
Ohio Township Association
Central Midwest Carpenters Union
Ohio Manufacturers' Association
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